Build powerful cultures

Powerful cultures drive organisational success when they are aligned with vision, mission and leadership. Successful cultures know their values and live them - they embed values in behaviours that are modelled by leaders and become 'the way we do things around here'. Building powerful, aligned cultures involves measuring and diagnosing the culture and its underpinning values, developing a desired values-driven culture, aligning leadership behaviours and building teams that live the values. See examples of our work building powerful cultures under these key headings:

Cultural transformation

Leadership development

Team building

Employee engagement


Consumer, Building and Occupational Services Strategic Plan 2017-2022 for the Department of Justice

Development of this strategic plan involved establishment of a representative staff and management working group to design the process, which included a full day workshop with all 85 CBOS staff. The plan development went through a highly consultative and engaging process to build understanding and ownership of the strategic direction as well and using the process as a broader organisational development opportunity.

Values, Leadership and Team Development for the Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania

Facilitated of a values-based approach to building resonance and performance across newly formed, disparate teams using the Cultural Transformation Tools.


Leadership Development for Anglicare Tasmania

Deployed the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument to support understanding of each leader’s thinking preferences, strengths and abilities and conducted one-on-one coaching debriefs. Provided interpretation and debrief to the CEO on the team’s profile.

ETSA CaMS Leadership Development Program for ETSA South Australia

Developed and delivered an integrated leadership program for middle management at South Australian Electricity provider ETSA using the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, dimensions of emotional intelligence, futures and strategic thinking, values and performance (with Locher Human Resources).

Values, Leadership and Team Development for the Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania

Facilitated a values-based approach to leadership exploring differing approaches to leadership and a range of leadership styles.

Understanding Self and Others with HBDI for Kraft Foods

Engaged middle managers using the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument as part of their leadership development. The group applied whole brain thinking to a real world problem and built higher levels of awareness and  understanding of themselves and each other.

Community Leadership Program for Glenorchy City Council

The program provided a set of resources to assist mentors to support aspiring community leaders in Southern Tasmania.


Team Building for the Nursing Board of Tasmania

Using the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI), the group developed insight into personal motivations and behaviours and those of other team members to build greater team effectiveness, cooperation and communication.

Team Building for Kraft Foods

Using the HBDI, facilitated greater awareness and understanding of team members as a foundation for more effective team interactions and performance.

Living the Values Project for RBF Finance Division

Facilitated a values-based approach to effective team interaction with agreed values and behaviours underpinning ‘how we do things around here’.


Employee engagement process for RBF Finance Division

Designed and facilitated an employee engagement process based on the Gallup Q12 engagement survey to build increased engagement and fulfilment for all team members. Identified barriers to increasing engagement and designed solutions to achieve higher engagement levels.
